
Органическая косметика - Шаблон магазина макияжа PrestaShop

PrestaShop шаблоны

Вид Категории: Сетка, Список,

Функции: Адаптивный, Панель управления, SEO подготовка, Bootstrap, Онлайн-чат,

Файлы: .PSD, .PHP, .TPL,

Поддержка языков: English, French, Spanish, Russian, German,

itemDoubts: changed-my-mind, you-are-in-good-hands, sweet-bonus-for-you, not-sure-about-your-technical-expertise, why-should-i-choose-templatemonster-s-prestashop-theme,

Дополнительная информация: Well Documented, Customized Modules,

Поддержка: Free Support, Stock Photos, Satisfaction Guarantee,

tags: care, catalogue, cream, damping, gift, hair, health, lifting, natural, peeling, product, rejuvenation, service, shop, solution, specials, style, women, skincare,

Темы: Магазин косметики, Красота, Мода и красота,

Стили: Neutral, Flat,

Цвет: черный, белый, серый, зеленый,

Дата: В прошлом месяце, За полгода,

generalSoftwareRequirements: Code editing tool, ZIP unarchiver,

prestashopAddonsFeatures: PSD files supplied, Custom Colors, SEO Optimized, Multilingual, Retina Ready, Multistore Ready, Blog System, Google Web Fonts, Bootstrap, HTML5 / CSS3, Sass / Less, Custom Content, Dropdown Menu, Zoom Effect, Photo Gallery, Custom Static Content, Custom Background, Scroll To Top Button, Quick View Product, Grid or List View, Standard 5 Step Checkout, Search Block, Layered Navigation, Custom Page Layout, Responsive, Ajax Cart, Newsletter Subscription Form, Manufacturer / Brand Slider, Product Wishlist, Product Labels, Product Comparison, Custom Static Block, Contact Form, Social Share Buttons, Custom Slideshow, Product Comments, Compatible with Firefox, Compatible with Chrome, Compatible with Safari, Compatible with Opera, Compatible with IE8+, Compatible with IE9+,

Скрипт галереи: Карусель, Слайдер,

Веб Формы: Contact Form, Login Form, Newsletter Subscription, User Registration, Search Form,

Валюты: USD, GBP, EUR,

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Шаблон # 53007
Тип: PrestaShop шаблоны
Автор: ZEMEZ
Загрузки: 342
Ключевые слова: fashion store specials catalogue service product style beauty body solution client women gift health care hair cosmetics skincare cream natural rejuvenation damping lifting peeling lipstick mascara nail polish shampoo milk lotion hand organic
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Шаблон # 53007
Тип: PrestaShop шаблоны
Автор: ZEMEZ
Загрузки: 342
Ключевые слова: fashion store specials catalogue service product style beauty body solution client women gift health care hair cosmetics skincare cream natural rejuvenation damping lifting peeling lipstick mascara nail polish shampoo milk lotion hand organic