
AppyTimes - тема WordPress для летнего лагеря

WordPress темы

Цвет: черный, белый, серый,

Функции: Панель управления, Адаптивный, Верстка Retina Ready, SEO подготовка, Члены команды, Лицензия GPL, Blog, Dropdown Menu, Google map, Sample content, Power Page Builder, Performance Optimization,

Требования по хостингу: The mod_rewrite Apache module, PHP 5.4 or higher, MySQL 5.5 or higher, 50 MB of disk space, Memory limit per process: 64mb (128mb or more recommended),

Поддержка: Free Support, Stock Photos, Satisfaction Guarantee,

compatibleWith: WPML, Ecwid, MailChimp,

tags: advices, baby, care, child, children, close, company, education, entertainment, event, family, happiness, harmony, health, hearth, help, home, information, intense, kids, nurse, order, parents, prices, profile, relationship, resume, services, support, youth, nursery, school,

Веб Формы: Contact Form, Login Form, Newsletter Subscription, User Registration, Search Form,

Темы: Летний лагерь, Семья, Дом и семья, Дети, Бойскаут, Общество и люди,

Демо 1.1894180774689
  • Техническая
    Поддержка 24/7

  • Готовые решения
    для бизнеса

  • Премиальное

  • 1 200 000+

Шаблон # 63919
Тип: WordPress темы
Автор: RockThemes
Загрузки: 51
Ключевые слова: services prices order company support information event family relationship children happiness home profile entertainment kids baby education health child parents care help advices nurse school youth resume nursery harmony hearth close Childcare Daycenter intense
Live Demo Купить
Шаблон # 63919
Тип: WordPress темы
Автор: RockThemes
Загрузки: 51
Ключевые слова: services prices order company support information event family relationship children happiness home profile entertainment kids baby education health child parents care help advices nurse school youth resume nursery harmony hearth close Childcare Daycenter intense